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If you've ever worked in a challenging workplace, you'll have seen the negative impact that it has on workplace performance and employee health. Employee turnover and absenteeism are high, quality of output (because of a lack of care) is low, and people dread coming to work.

Mental health is a growing area in the field of Work/Occupational Health and Safety. Trauma and suicide are increasingly being linked to the practice of managers, leaders and workplaces, and litigation and compliance expectations are increasing.

Rather than taking a reactive (incident-response) approach, we know that the health of a workplace is inherently linked to its culture. We are passionate about 'work' being a meaningful and positive experience, and seeing workplaces that meet the needs and expectations of all staff.

We can do the following:

  • Undertake team/organisational assessments to identify your work climate

  • Create an organisational development plan specifically focused on mental health

  • Coach and train leaders and managers in leadership behaviours for mental health

  • Support the embedding and implementation of initiatives, including behaviour change

  • Refer to partner psychologists in the instance of trauma and/or acute incidents (this works particularly well alongside life/performance coaching)


Contact us today to discuss building an organisation that loves its employees.

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